Sunday, January 14, 2018


8:30 church service in 14 degree weather, now that's committment. But I hadn't been in weeks because of sickness and longed for community, even though most people are strangers. Early morning service isn't as crowded as the other two, and this morning there were fewer than usual. Normally I seat myself away from others, a couple or more seats to comfortably separate. But this morning chose to sit right next to an elderly lady on the aile seat. Asked her before sitting down if she minded and she said no. We chit chatted before the service began, exchanged names, asked basic questions about our lives. Velma, probably in her late 70's, early 80's, leaned over before the music started and said, "this is my first time here." She seemed sad, but it was hard to tell for sure since I just met her. I wondered why she was alone, did she have a husband, was she widowed? After the service, I walked with her to the parking lot and found out she moved to Leesburg a couple months ago from Indiana. Her husband, James, was a pastor and recently passed away. She now lives with her daughter until she can work through her grief and find a place. I had a business card on me and gave it to her in hopes that she will contact me for a coffee outing. Not sure she will, grief is often paralyzing until one can regain strength and walk again. I expressed my sorrow for the pain of losing the love of her life, over 50 years of marriage, and now alone. The car registered 19 degrees as I drove out of the parking lot. I was grateful I "longed" for community and found it in the sufferings of a new widower. Her season of life reflected in the cold frigid air, barren trees, but...the sun was shining, the sky vivid blue, hope that will one day be renewed. Velma is now in my heart, thoughts and prayers.

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