Saturday, April 30, 2011

Canopy of Grace

As I awoke this morning the thought came to me that I am under a canopy of grace. I am covered, living in the shadow of His love. This canopy protects me from the elements of my day....mighty winds, stormy clouds, and the blistering sun. Canopy set by Sovereign boundaries.

Sometimes, there are seasons where this canopy is closed in, shadow seems small...,hemming me in, cocooning for a the catepillar, a season of change for new growth to transpire. In the chrysallis, time seems irrelevant, as the meticulous and miraculous transforms my being into a greater image of Him. But I must rest secure, waiting for the timing, not rushing a work set in motion. So I quiet my questioning heart...tell my soul to hang, suspended by mercy and grace, and allow the darkness of this place, in the isolation, in the suspension...grace, silent stillness, quiet finger of God at work.